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Frisch gefangene Fische




The Fishing Competition & Grill Party organized by Belveder Agency offers managers an exciting and rewarding experience in the picturesque setting of Castle Dornbach. Through this event, the agency aims to strengthen team dynamics, foster a positive work culture, and show appreciation for the managers' hard work and dedication. The combination of friendly competition, outdoor activities, and a festive grill party ensures a memorable and enjoyable day that leaves a lasting impression on all participants.

Fishing is a fantastic idea for an incentive program for managers because it offers:

  1. Relaxation and enjoyment.

  2. Team building and bonding.

  3. Skill development and learning.

  4. Stress relief and rejuvenation.

  5. Friendly competition and motivation.

  6. Unique outdoor experience.

  7. Outdoor bonding and camaraderie.

  8. Recognition and reward for their achievements.


It provides a refreshing break from the office environment and creates lasting memories in a beautiful natural setting, fostering stronger relationships among the managers.

Day of the Event:

  • Morning Arrival: Welcome all participating managers at Castle Dornbach.

  • Introduction: Conduct a brief orientation and outline the day's activities.

  • Fishing equipment Distribution: Provide fishing gear and instructions to all participants.

  • Trout Fishing: Head to the picturesque fishing spot for the competition.

  • Picnic Lunch: Enjoy a delightful picnic-style lunch by the waterside.

  • Fishing Competition Continues: Managers compete to catch the biggest and most impressive trout.

  • Prize Ceremony: Announce the winners and present them with fishing-themed prizes.

  • Grill Party Preparation: Set up the grill area and prepare for the evening festivities.

  • Grilling Delights: Host a festive grill party with a variety of grilled dishes, including the freshly caught trout.

  • Awards and Recognition: Acknowledge the efforts of all managers and celebrate their accomplishments.

  • Celebrations: Create an enjoyable evening filled with camaraderie, laughter, and team bonding.

"This incentive program was a perfect mix of relaxation, skill-building, and team bonding. We truly appreciate Belveder for organizing such a memorable day for us. It was a great way to recognize and reward our achievements as managers while having fun at the same time. We can't wait for the next event organized by Belveder!" - HD director

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